Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Do Not Use Microsoft Internet Explorer Until You Apply A Fix. A Vulnerability Has Been Found In Every Version Of Internet Explorer

This weekend Microsoft confirmed the presence of an Internet Explorer vulnerability, as well as active attacks against this vulnerability, in every version of Internet Explorer.
This vulnerability could be used to silently install malicious software without knowledge or assistance from the end user, by browsing to an infected site.

Microsoft is recommending that Internet Explorer users download and install their Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) version 4.1.
The college is already working on deploying this to all of its computers in response to this vulnerability.

Home users are advised to download and install the EMET 4.1 toolkit, which is provided here:  http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=41138
Or, use an alternate browser.  

As always, be mindful of your internet surfing habits and the sites that you go to.
Do not click on links in unsolicited email or from people who you do not know.
If you mouse over a link and it appears different from what is presented on the screen, do not click on it even if it is from someone you know.

Note: If you are using Windows XP, this vulnerability WILL NOT be fixed, as Microsoft is no longer supporting XP.